Thursday, April 24, 2014

Crossword Puzzle Phonics Fun Blends & Digraphs

It's finished!! Yeah!!  Set #2 - Crossword Puzzle Phonics Fun Blends and Digraphs.  My kiddos just love these because they are a fun little challenge.  Each puzzle has two versions:  with and without a word bank.   I love this activity because several kiddos may need the word bank, while others may be ready to try them without.  Teachers can use the version that is just right for each individual learner.  So....if your kiddos need a little extra fun, check them out.

"They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share" 1 Timothy 6:18

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Earth Day

My student teacher, Ms. Olson, had some fun activities planned for us today.   Along with Ms. Olson, Fancy Nancy taught us all about being green.  We read Fancy Nancy, Every Day is Earth Day and enjoyed the part about, "Less than mile, bike in style."

Then we went out and littered!  Yes, we littered because it was great for the kids to see what our playground would like if we all just threw our trash on the ground.  No fun!!! YUCK!!!  Who wants to play on a playground that looks like that?

Of course we cleaned it all back up!!!  We know how do take care of our Earth, do you?? :)

"God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him." John 1:3